From The Wet Issue
Delving into the essence of wetness, Camille Henrot’s (@coelocanthe) latest series for EXHIBITION MAGAZINE blends the emotional with the sensual. In creating this series of paintings, the multidisciplinary French artist drew inspiration from the closing scene of Michael Curtiz’s Casablanca, which depicts Ilsa’s goodbye letter fading away. By marrying oil pastel, watercolor, and acrylics, she aims to explore the interplay and compatibility of contradictory emotions.
"Thinking about wetness, both tears and sexual fluids come to mind. This series of drawings is inspired by the last frame of the film Casablanca; when the words of Ilsa's goodbye letter to ick are flooded and fade away on the page. The drawings combine hyper solvent and water repellent mediums, from oil pastel to watercolor and acrylics. Pain and joy aren't incompatible, love lost can also be sensual
in nature."

Non fa niente

Ashes, We All Fall Down

Paint in the Chest

To Doubt the Wet

A Curvy Body

Angsta's Paradise

On My Way